Concept Master Plan

Tapi River


The Concept Master Plan for the project is based on detailed technical studies:

Topographical Survey
  • To identify the all existing physical elements within river such as levels, small structures, obstructions, infrastructure, landscape, etc.
  • To understand adjoining context in terms of structures, terrain, infrastructure, street network, nallas etc.
Preliminary Base Map
  • To demarcate the river land boundary
  • To understand the land ownership on the adjoining lands
  • To identify all existing components, like informal settlements within and adjacent to river land if any
Geotechnical Investigation
To study the soil conditions for both the banks of the river along the entire length so as to understand soil behavior in existing and proposed scenario
Activity Mapping
  • To understand the edge condition
  • To verify the source and nature of pollution in the river
  • To verify current activities and usage along the river
Land Use Study
To understand the proposed DP and TP land use with existing landuse along the river
Hydrology & Hydraulics
  • To identify the flood carrying capacity of the river
  • To understand the existing inundation scenario of the river
  • Prepare proposals to improve the carrying capacity of the riverr

This project carefully examines all the issues pertaining to river and suggests an all-inclusive, immediate and long term solutions. Tapi river front development and rejuvenation project incorporates a comprehensive proposal which is unique and context specific, providing a continuous public realm to the city of Surat. It considers the existing situation of river in context of floods and already constructed flood embankment schemes and proposes a holistic and resilient river edge.

Overall Assessment

Present Issues
Potential Opportunities
Risk of flooding
To strengthen river edge
Polluted river water
To clean the river
Lack of public amenities
To create a continuous public realm
Inadequate connectivity to river
To improve accessibility & connectivity
Inability to retain water
To retain & replenish water

The Master Plan also intends to integrate other parallel relevant projects like the Heritage precinct redevelopment, Proposed Barrage, Riverfront parks and walkway.

The Concept Master plan is an attempt to formulate a blueprint of a comprehensive, imaginable, legible and resilient river edge enriched with pedestrian trails, visitor facilities, spaces designated and designed for congregation, festivals and performances. The riverfront is proposed to be developed as a green and recreational space that can transform the existing neglected waterfront into a centre for social, cultural and recreational activities in the city. Construction of Embankments to strengthen River Edge of both banks (approx. 33 km on each side) with respect to the level of 50 year of flood return period given by CWPRS.

  • Cleaning the River by integrating Tapi Shuddhikaran Project.
  • Reclamation of Land for recreational purpose.
  • Broad zoning of Master plan has been done with reference to Land availability and Activity Mapping.
  • Laying an emphasize over several green spaces like gardens, recreational parks, eco-park, etc.
  • Development of public amenities along with probable access points along the riverfront.
  • Development of Continuous Promenade (with Pedestrian & Cycle Track).
  • Strengthening of certain existing roads to improve access for riverfront.
  • Development of new proposed roads to improve connectivity along the river front across the river.
  • Create specific riverfront road network by integrating existing and proposed roads.

Riverfront Project can directly impact some of the key pillars of "The Surat Resilience Strategy" for example, Water availability & quality, Dominant sectors of employment & economic development, Ecosystem & environmental regulation, Social cohesion, Up-scaling of health, Affordable housing, Connectivity & mobility services with regulation.

Please note all the above project components will be taken up for the further detailing as required for the statutory approvals.